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Welcome to FIVIR and thank you for your interest in sperm donation.
You are about to make a very valuable gesture.

Gamete (egg or sperm) donation is a voluntary, anonymous, informed and unpaid act, governed by Law 14/2006, of 26 May, on assisted human reproduction techniques.
Request Information

How to become a sperm donor at FIVIR?

The basic requirements of the donor, specified in Law 14/2006, of 26 May, on assisted human reproduction techniques, are as follows:

  • Age: Donors must be between 18 and 40 years old. General Health: To be in good physical and mental health.
  • Medical History: No personal or family background of genetic, hereditary or infectious diseases.

How sperm donation is carried out at FIVIR

tratamiento de fertilidad

Sexual abstinence

Donors have to maintain sexual abstinence for three to five days prior to donation to ensure the quality of the semen sample.

tratamiento de fertilidad

Donor evaluation

  • Psychological and analytical evaluation: You will undergo a series of psychological and analytical tests to evaluate your general health as a donor.

  • Detection of Infectious Diseases: infectious diseases that can be transmitted through the semen sample will be excluded.

  • Genetic Disease Detection: We will evaluate the most common genetic diseases in our region to ensure that the samples are safe for donation.

tratamiento de fertilidad

Seminal study

Detailed semen quality analysis and a sample freeze test will be performed to assess the viability of the spermatozoa after the cryopreservation process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can donate sperm?

Any male who is fertile, in good physical and mental health and has optimal sperm quality can be a sperm donor. He must be between 18 and 40 years old not suffer from any infectious disease transmissible to offspring, neither have any genetic disease or family history of hereditary alterations, be in good physical and mental health and have excellent semen quality to ensure a high success rate and that the sperm will survive the freezing process.

How does the process work?

It consists of several phases: Initial assessment, with interviews, medical examinations and tests for infectious and genetic diseases; semen collection, where donors provide semen samples in a clinic by masturbating in a private room; and semen quality testing, which is analyzed to ensure that they meet the necessary quality standards.

How long does the sperm donation process take?

This can take a few weeks, but once approved, semen collection is quick and is usually done in several sessions over a period of time to accumulate sufficient samples.

Does sperm donation affect my future fertility?

No, sperm donation does not affect the donor's future fertility. Sperm production is an ongoing process, and donating a part does not reduce the ability to produce sperm in the future.

The opinion of our patients

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Avd. Antonio Ferrandis
esquina calle Blas Gamez Ortiz (bajo)

46013 – Valencia
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