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If you are under 35 and are still not sure whether you want to become a mother or father in the future, it is important to consider fertility preservation as a preventive measure.
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preserva tu fertilidad pareja

While it is true that we live much longer than previous generations and that we live a more juvenile life, biology has its limits.

In the case of women, fertility decreases drastically after the age of 35, and in the case of men, their sperm health also declines after their 50´s, and it can impact the health of future offspring.

This is how female fertility preservation is carried out

ovodonacion preparacion de la receptora

Oocyte vitrification is an advanced method of egg freezing that allows a woman's fertility to be preserved. The egg vitrification procedure begins by obtaining the eggs through a process of ovarian stimulation and subsequent follicular puncture. Once obtained, the oocytes are treated in the laboratory to prepare them properly. Subsequently, the oocytes are subjected to a quick-freezing process at -196ºC.

The vitrified eggs are stored in tanks of liquid nitrogen until they are unfrozen for in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment, if needed.

That's how easy it is to preserve fertility in men!

Male fertility preservation is a viable option for those who wish to postpone their time to become parents, for whatever reason.

This process consists of collecting and cryopreserving a semen sample. By freezing the spermatozoa, its viability is guaranteed and its subsequent use in in vitro fertilization (IVF), without the sample being affected by the course of time.

preservar la fertilidad en los hombres

Frequently Asked Questions

What is gamete preservation?

It is the process that allows the optimal preservation of eggs or sperm for future use in fertility treatments.

What are the egg and sperm preservation processes like? 

In the case of eggs, patients undergo ovarian stimulation using hormones to extract them by follicular puncture, and then they are treated in the laboratory to prepare them appropriately. Subsequently, the eggs are subjected to a quick freezing process at -196ºC.

In the case of semen, a sample is obtained from the patient's ejaculate, analysed and cryopreserved, also at -196ºC.

What are the success rates for gamete preservation?

The success rates vary according to the age and quality of the gametes, but generally the success rates with preserved eggs and sperm are similar to those with fresh gametes at the time of freezing.

For whom is preservation recommended?

It is recommended for people who wish to delay motherhood/paternity for a social reason, patients with diseases that affect fertility (such as oncology), and those who are going to undergo medical treatments that may reduce fertility.

Is egg preservation painful?

Egg retrieval may cause minimal post-treatment discomfort, which is very similar to menstruation, but the process is performed under sedation to minimize pain.

The opinion of our patients

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