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The ROPA Method (Reception of Oocytes from the Couple) is an assisted reproduction technique that allows the participation of both women within a couple: one of them provides the eggs and the other is the pregnant woman who will give birth to the future baby.
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The ROPA method,
step by step:

estimulacion ovarica de la donante

Ovarian stimulation

The woman providing the eggs receives hormone treatment to stimulate her ovaries to produce multiple eggs. This process is monitored by ultrasound and blood tests to ensure that the eggs develop properly.

puncion folicular metodo ropa

Follicular puncture

Once the eggs have matured, a minor surgical procedure is performed to remove them. This procedure is performed under sedation and usually takes about 20-30 minutes.

fecundacion metodo ropa


The retrieved eggs are fertilized in the laboratory with donor sperm.

cultivo de embriones metodo ropa

Embryo culture

While the embryos are being cultivated, the recipient woman undergoes hormone treatment to prepare her endometrium, lining her uterus, to receive the embryo.

fecundacion de ovulos

Endometrial preparation

While the embryos are being cultivated, the recipient woman undergoes hormone treatment to prepare her endometrium, lining her uterus, to receive the embryo.

test de embarazo

Pregnancy test

Approximately two weeks after transferring the embryo, a pregnancy test is performed to determine whether the embryo has successfully implanted and pregnancy has begun.

The ROPA Method allows both women to have a biological link to the baby: one provides the egg (genetics) and the other carries the pregnancy (gestation). This technique offers a significant option for female couples who wish to share the experience of maternity in an intimate and biologically bonded way.

Which of the two mothers will they resemble?

In the ROPA Method, the baby will have a direct genetic relationship to the egg donor mother, since the baby's genetic material comes from this egg fertilized with the donor sperm. Therefore, the baby will be more genetically similar to the egg donor mother.

The other mother, who carries the pregnancy and gives birth to the baby, does not contribute directly with her genetic material. However, she will have a significant influence on the baby's development through the uterine environment and epigenetic factors during pregnancy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are candidates for the ROPA method?

The ideal candidates are female couples who wish to share the process of maternity both biologically and emotionally. Both should be in good reproductive health and meet the necessary medical criteria.

How does the ROPA method work?

The process involves ovarian stimulation of the woman who donates the eggs, the retrieval of these eggs and then the fertilization of the eggs with sperm from a donor. The remaining embryos are transferred into the uterus of the other woman, who will carry the pregnancy.

What preparation is required for both women?

The egg donor will undergo ovarian stimulation and egg retrieval, while the embryo recipient will undergo hormone treatment to ensure that her uterus is ready for embryo implantation.

Is the procedure painful?

The ovarian stimulation may cause pain similar to a menstrual cycle, and the egg retrieval is performed under sedation, minimizing pain. Recovery is usually quick and side effects are minor.

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