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Embryo-reception is a process by which a woman or couple receives an embryo previously frozen and stored by another patient or couple who have already completed their reproductive project and have decided to donate it.
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These frozen embryos have a high probability of pregnancy, so they are considered optimal to transfer and are a very good option both for patients without a partner and for those couples who need a double donation.

It is a very simple procedure that begins with the preparation and optimization of the endometrium of the recipient patient, to receive and allow the implantation of the embryo.

Embryos are donated by other couples

Most couples are able to have a baby at our clinic before using all of the embryos we have available. These remaining embryos can be donated to other couples or single mothers who are looking for a quick, simple and effective treatment. For this reason, we have an embryo bank available for our patients 

embriones donados por otras parejas y embarazo

Embryo-reception, step by step

The embryo-reception process involves a very simple treatment that takes advantage of the woman's natural cycle.

seguimiento ecografico

Ultrasound monitoring

An ultrasound monitoring of the ovarian cycle is performed to monitor ovarian function and endometrial growth.

estimulacion ovarica de la donante

Follicle detection and endometrial preparation

When a follicle reaches a size of 18 to 20 mm and/or the endometrium has the appropriate thickness and appearance, we will induce ovulation and prepare de second phase of a menstrual cycle. Adequate endometrial thickness is usually greater than 7 mm, with a trilaminar appearance.

ovodonacion transferencia embrionaria

Embryo transfer

The transfer of the selected embryo is programmed for an optimal moment. It is a relatively simple and fast procedure.

High success rate in embryo-reception

The procedure is minimally invasive and the success rate is generally high, being a treatment accessible and affordable for a wide range of patients.

embriorecepcion mujer embarazada

A false belief about donated embryos is that they might be of lower quality, having been frozen rather than transferred as a first option. However, the reality is that this is a cohort of embryos from patients who have had a positive Beta and a healthy baby at home. A considerable number of embryos from egg donation cycles are also available, with a quality much higher than the average.

For whom is embryo-reception indicated?

inseminacion artificial

Embryo-reception is designed for those women or couples who have to undergo double donation and have already accepted the change of the two gametes. For this type of cases, this is the most optimal and sustainable treatment, as it offers the best guarantees in the shortest time and with the lowest cost.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the candidates for embryo-reception?

The most common female candidates include women with fertility problems, couples who have undergone failed fertility treatments, women with genetic problems which they do not want to transmit to their children, and women without a partner who wish to have a child.

Where do the donated embryos come from?

The donated embryos come from couples who have undergone in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments and have excess embryos that they decide to donate to other couples or women.

How are the donated embryos selected?

Embryos are selected and assigned to recipients based on medical criteria, genetic compatibility and, in some cases, physical characteristics in order to ensure a better match with the recipient.

How does the embryo-reception process work?

The recipient usually needs hormonal treatment to prepare her endometrium to make it receptive for embryo implantation. This can include medications to synchronize the menstrual cycle and hormones such as oestrogens and progesterone.

Is it painful?

The embryo transfer procedure is simple and usually painless and does not require anesthesia.

Does embryo-reception affect the mother-child relationship?

No, research suggests that the bond between mother and child in cases of embryo-reception is as strong as in natural pregnancies. The environment and the emotional relationship play a key role in the child's development.

The opinion of our patients

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