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8 de April de 2024

What is Sperm Capacitation?

Sperm capacitation is an essential process in assisted reproductive techniques (ART) that involves specialized treatments to select the highest-quality sperm. The goal of processing semen in an andrology lab is to mimic natural physiological conditions, which is achieved through sperm capacitation. This procedure removes seminal fluid, non-motile sperm, immature and dead cells, concentrating and selecting the most motile sperm, which are theoretically the most capable of fertilizing an egg.

Capacitation is carried out both during the evaluation of a couple experiencing infertility, to guide the choice of the most appropriate ART technique, and during the treatment itself, facilitating intrauterine insemination (IUI) or the fertilization of eggs in in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) procedures.

Techniques for Sperm Capacitation

There are two main techniques for sperm capacitation: density gradients and the swim-up technique.

- Density Gradients: This method relies on the ability of sperm to move through solutions of varying densities. Higher quality sperm, which are more motile and viable, are able to overcome these barriers, allowing for their selection.

- Swim-Up Technique: This technique is based on the ability of motile sperm to swim upward in the culture medium. Only the sperm with good mobility can reach the surface of the medium, making them easier to collect and use in ART procedures.

Evaluating the Semen Sample

After sperm capacitation, the processed semen sample is re-evaluated by counting the recovered motile sperm, known as the Motile Sperm Count (MSC). The MSC is a critical factor in determining the most suitable treatment for a couple.

In couples without female factors contraindicating intrauterine insemination, an MSC of 3 to 5 million per milliliter is generally the cutoff below which IUI is not recommended. However, each clinic should assess its own results and adjust this threshold as necessary.


Understanding sperm capacitation is crucial for couples undergoing ART. By ensuring that the best sperm are selected for procedures, we can enhance the chances of successful conception. If you have any questions or need further information, don’t hesitate to reach out to your fertility specialist!


Everything you need to know about fertility

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